Non Collateral Loan
S.No. | Loan | Purpose |
Max. Amount (In NRs) |
Max payment Period |
Interest Rate |
Service Charge |
1 | General Loan | 1.Agriculture, 2.Business, 3. House construction, reconstruction and maintenance, 4.Animal husbandry, 5.Alternative Energy, 6. Education. | 5,00,000/- | 60 Months (5 Years) | 15% | 1.30% |
2 | Seasonal Loan | 1.Agriculture, 2.Trade and business | 50,000/- | 24 Months (2 Years) | 15% | 1.50% |
3 | Social Loan | 1.Drug treatment, 2.Social or other much needed emergency work | 20,000/- | 12 Months (1 Years) | 15% | Null |
4 | Foreign Employment Loan | 1.Foreign employment | 3,00,000/- | 24 Months (2 Years) | 15% | 1.50% |
5 | Shrijanshil Loan | Discipline Member | 5,00,000/- | 60 Months (5 Years) | 15% | 1.50% |
6 | Covid Subsidy Loan | Member Affected by Covid | 1,00,000/- | 48 Months | 13% | 1.50% |
Collateral Loan
S.No. | Loan | Purpose |
Max. Amount (In NRs) |
Max Payment Period | Interest Rate | Service Charge |
1 | Micro-Enterprise Loan | Micro Enterprise (Agriculture, Business and Trade) |
7,00,000/- | 120 Months (10 Years) | 15% | 1.50% |
2 | Educational Loan | Higher Level Education, Foreign Education |
7,00,000/- | 120 Months (10 Years) | 15% | 1.50% |
3 | Home Loan | Home Construction, Purchase, Reconstruction and Maintenance |
7,00,000/- | 180 Months (15 Years) | 15% | 1.50% |